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Thursday, February 19, 2015


 Why, as humans, do we feel the need to justify our moral behavior to another immorally rational being? If we are to believe, wholeheartedly, in our actions and our behavior – to whom do we owe the explanation?

     For me, at one point in my life, I cared, a bit too much, about justifying me – to “them.” I felt as though many were owed an explanation about my decisions OR lack thereof; only because I wanted to belong. I wanted to fit in, simply put, I wanted to be liked - accepted. I, me, my soul, were the sacrificial offering to a sphere that was just as spiritually bankrupt. 

     My measurable happiness was pitted against temporal things – things justified and measured by an unjustly broken system. My feet were planted on a shaky foundation and I was starting to slip into a deep abyss, where “they” took my energy and left me lifeless and dry. I did not feel safe or secure. I was afraid of falling and becoming more like “them” and less like me, the person that I was created to be.

     The more I pretended not to care of what “they” thought, the more I felt the twisting in my tummy. Who was I kidding? I did care; I cared because I was so concerned with what “they” were saying: good, bad or indifferent. I had to justify that I really was a good person – that my relationships were air tight – that my marriage was good – that my home was happy – that my success was recognizable by Facebook photos, tags, check-ins, and likes – I had to be a good person because of my friend count. Slipping deeper and deeper…spiritually and emotionally tapped out, I was trying to find rational reasons as to why I felt so out of place. Why did people’s perception matter so much to me; when I never really mattered to them?

     I felt alone – cold – lost and afraid. “They” said, “ ’they’ love me,” but how could “they”, when “they” did not even know love? “They” said, “I could trust “them,” but is that really possible when I have heard everything “they” have ever said directly or indirectly. How do I set myself apart from the masses?

     My ah-ha moment came to me, just like an epiphany, in the ever so plain word: STOP! I got it! I stopped justifying my life AND my behavior and I begin to live – freely, without restriction. I stopped offering explanations. I had to get away; “they” had no idea of the justifications formulating in my head to vindicate myself to myself and even to "them." The weight was too much to bear  - the air was thick – the nights were restless. If only I could get to a place of quietness,  just to clear my head, simply to make sense of it all. First, in order to do that, I would have to /\/\/\/\/\/\_________________ pull the plug – on “them” and me too.


…To be continued…


 Be the change. Be the light. Be the platform to life. 

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