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Thursday, July 31, 2014


     Lemonade has to be one of the most refreshing drinks on the planet – well at least in my world. Very seldom do we stop to think of the process in which lemonade is made, as humans we just want the end result. Most often our spiritual journey endures the same thirst for that instant gratification. The popular quote “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade” only further validates wanting the end result of the procedure.  Let’s look at the steps that are taken to make lemonade – in both realms, naturally and spiritually.

     Lemons are defined as yellow, oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrant. When we think lemon – we think sour or tangy. It would not be our favorite fruit to eat for pleasure. An informal definition that I found interesting for lemon was a person or thing, especially an automobile, regarded as unsatisfactory, disappointing, or feeble. Everything used to describe the natural lemon can also be used to describe the spiritual journey in the beginning – thick skin, unsatisfactory, and disappointing to say the least. Now that we’ve handpicked our very best lemons, let’s move forward.

Lemon Juice is usually squeezed juice from lemons. In today’s time, there is an artificial alternative to everything that we ingest hence the word “usually.” There is also an artificial alternative to believing in God. In order, to get “fresh” lemonade first the lemon should be cut, then pitted, and then squeezed. There is a direct parallel from the natural to the spiritual. One must be cut to the core, then purged of burdens, and then squeezed of self-righteousness. Once we’ve squeezed all of the juice we can get – We are ready to proceed with our refreshing pitcher of lemonade.

Lemonade is a drink made usually of lemon juice, sugar, and water. Wait, so that means there is more to lemonade than just lemon juice? Well of course, so life can’t just hand us lemonade without the rest of the ingredients right? Right. We all know that without water there is no lemonade, it is just lemon Juice. Most of us know and believe without Jesus we cannot enter into the Kingdom. We all know that without sugar our drink is merely flavored water; but when we add sugar – it transforms into the drink of the century. Our lemonade is now ready for human consumption.

 God is the Sugar – naturally and spiritually. He is the Power that will take our lemons (life), produce lemon juice (surrender) and add the ingredients to make a refreshing glass of lemonade (transformation). The process of adding more water and less sugar or more sugar and less water varies from pitcher to pitcher. The end result is that the natural lemon is the same color on the inside; it produces the same color juice and has the potential to be a part of a refreshing glass of lemonade. The spiritual journey has the same extent – we all have the potential to be a part of something great; but not until we are squeezed and purged of all the things that has kept us enslaved to past hurts, failures, and disappointments. I poured out my complaint before him; I showed before him my trouble. *Psalm 142:2 

If you aren't satisfied with the flavor of your life; I suggest you check your ingredients and do the following: Be the change. Be the light. Be the platform to life. ~jess

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